Worksheet Question Generator

Use ChatGPT to help create worksheet questions.

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Hi ChatGPT, I'm a professor of a 100-level college composition class and my students are learning about subject verb agreement. Can you generate 20 worksheet questions that require students to identify the correct verb form in a sentence?

Example Output

Absolutely, here are 20 worksheet questions focused on subject-verb agreement:

  1. Either the students or the teacher ___ (has/have) the textbook.
  2. The dog with its puppies ___ (play/plays) in the yard every morning.
  3. Everyone in the classroom ___ (want/wants) to leave early today.
  4. The committee ___ (is/are) meeting to discuss the new policies.
  5. A bouquet of yellow roses ___ (lend/lends) color to the room.
  6. Neither the boys nor their sister ___ (know/knows) the answer to the question.
  7. The orchestra ___ (is/are) tuning their instruments before the concert.
  8. The high levels of pollution in the city ___ (is/are) a cause for concern.
  9. The news ___ (is/are) on at six o'clock every evening.
  10. Mathematics ___ (is/are) her favorite subject.
  11. Each of the players ___ (want/wants) to win the championship.
  12. The crowd ___ (was/were) going wild after the game.
  13. The flock of geese ___ (fly/flies) south every winter.
  14. The pair of shoes ___ (is/are) on sale for a limited time only.
  15. Neither the teacher nor the students ___ (was/were) in the classroom.
  16. The glasses on the table ___ (belong/belongs) to my grandparents.
  17. The book, as well as the notebooks, ___ (has/have) been placed on the shelf.
  18. Fifteen minutes ___ (is/are) not enough time to finish the test.
  19. Politics ___ (is/are) often a controversial topic of discussion.
  20. Every one of the shirts ___ (has/have) a different pattern.

Remember to instruct your students to choose the verb form that correctly agrees with the subject in each sentence. These sentences cover a variety of subject-verb agreement scenarios to help students learn to identify and use the correct verb forms.